BTech Student Tragically Ends Life After Suffering Financial Losses from 1Win Illegal Offshore Betting App

Author: Kalyan Ganguli


Published at: 28 Feb 2024

In a heart-wrenching incident, 20-year-old BTech student Selam Manoj from Gudimalkapur, near Hyderabad, took his own life due to the financial distress caused by his online betting addiction. The young man succumbed to the mounting pressures of debts incurred through his involvement with the illegal 1Win app.

According to reports from India Today, Manoj’s addiction to online betting led him to borrow significant sums of money from friends and acquaintances. Despite repeated warnings from his family about the perils of excessive gambling, Manoj continued his habit, eventually accumulating substantial debts. His father, a carpenter by profession, expressed deep sorrow over his son’s tragic demise. Speaking to the Times of India, he attributed Manoj’s suicide to the relentless harassment from loan representatives.

The situation took a dire turn when Manoj reportedly lost a staggering amount of Rs. 3 lakhs on the 1Win app. In an attempt to rectify the situation, his parents intervened, repaying the borrowed amount to his friends. However, the psychological toll of financial ruin proved too overwhelming for Manoj to bear, ultimately leading him to take his own life.

Authorities have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Manoj’s death. The police have registered a case under Section 174 of the CrpC, delving into Manoj’s online activities and the platforms he frequented for gambling.

As the investigation unfolds, it underscores the urgent need for stringent regulations and enforcement measures to curb the proliferation of such illicit platforms. Additionally, there is a pressing need for greater awareness and support systems to address the underlying issues of gambling addiction and prevent further tragedies in the future. This incident shines a light on the dark side of online gambling and the devastating consequences it can have on vulnerable individuals, particularly the youth.